
prox·im·i·ty was an art activation by TRAP HEALS that premiered in January 2020 at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Mall in Los Angeles in conjunction with the release of the film “Just Mercy”. The installation was part of a local campaign strategy to shift public opinions of incarcerated individuals and increase public engagement around criminal justice policy reforms. Utilizing a greenhouse, technologically refurbished phone booths, and intimate portraits of inmates on death row, TRAP HEALS aimed to create a safe space for viewers of the film to get closer to the words of the silenced and oppressed as well as the words of their loved ones.

The Boy and The Horse is a large-scale sculpture that represents Blake the Great also known as Lord So Will It, God of the Ghetto Children, one of the Darker Gods Deities. I contributed this large-scale sculpture to the greenhouse installation that symbolized deities and that reflected the nuance and personality of the environment they were placed in.